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Sue Goodman
Manager, AskDOE

2054 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
 (404) 656-2800
 (800) 311-3627 (GA)
 (404) 651-6867
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Home Schools

The following are requirements for home study programs:

  1. Parent or guardian must annually submit to the superintendent of the local school district a Declaration of Intent to Utilize a Home Study Program by September 1 or within 30 days after a program is established. The local school superintendent will provide a form upon request for this purpose to be returned to that office.
  2. The declaration must include the names and ages of the students, the address where the program is located, and the dates of the school year.
  3. Parents or guardians may teach only their own children in the home study program provided the teaching parent or guardian possesses at least a high school diploma or a general educational development (GED) equivalency diploma, but the parents or guardians may employ a tutor who holds at least a high school diploma or a general education diploma to teach such children.
  4. The home study program must include, but is not limited to, instruction in reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science.
  5. The school year must include the equivalent of 180 days of at least 4-1/2 hours of instruction per day unless the child is physically unable to comply with this requirement.
  6. Monthly attendance reports must be sent to the local superintendent at the end of each month. The local school superintendent will, upon request, provide the reporting forms.
  7. Students in home study programs shall be subject to an appropriate nationally standardized testing program administered in consultation with a person trained in the administration and interpretation of norm referenced tests. The student must be evaluated at least every three years beginning at the end of the third grade. Records of such tests shall be retained.
  8. The instructor shall write an annual progress assessment report in each required subject area for each student. These reports shall be retained for at least three years.

For additional information contact the local school superintendent, visiting teacher, attendance officer, or other designee. If further information is needed, contact the Georgia Department of Education at (404) 656-2800 or (800) 311-3627.

Learn More

  Laws impacting homeschool in Georgia (Georgia Codes 20-2-690 and 20-2-690.1) can be found on the Georgia General Assembly's website. Select "Georgia Code" on the left of the homepage, and enter the code numbers to search for the laws.
  Declaration of Intent 
  Monthly Attendance Report 
  SBOE §160-5-1-.15 Transfer of Credits/Grades 
  Governor's Honors Program for Homeschool Students