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Superintendent Barge Presents First Fountain Award
Recognition named for Monty Fountain, a teacher and coach who helped Superintendent Barge write a better story for himself

MEDIA CONTACT: Matt Cardoza, GaDOE Communications Office, (404) 651-7358, or Keisha Ford-Jenrette, GaDOE Recognitions Office, (404) 657-2949,  
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September 28, 2011 -- State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge today presented the first Fountain Award to Monty Fountain, a teacher and coach who helped Superintendent Barge and countless others write a better story for themselves. At an assembly at Alexander High School in Douglas County, where Mr. Fountain still teaches, Superintendent Barge surprised Mr. Fountain with this new award that was created to recognize teachers who have had a tremendous impact on the education and lives of others.

"Monty Fountain taught me that the road to success would be paved with persistence, hard work and a strong work ethic," said Superintendent Barge. "One of the first things I wanted to do after being elected last year was name an award after Mr. Fountain and give others the opportunity to nominate teachers who helped shape their lives for the better."

Nominating a Teacher
Once each quarter, one teacher will be selected for this award. The public is invited to nominate a teacher who had a profound impact on someone's life and career. Nomination forms can be requested by emailing Keisha Ford-Jenrette at  

You can find the application at this link.

Thanks to Peachtree Supplies for being the title sponsor of the Fountain Award. Please visit their website at