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Working to improve student achievement through a wide spectrum of programs.
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Teacher and Leader Effectiveness
Title Programs

Craig M. Geers
Director, Outreach

1854 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
 (404) 657-1793
 (404) 651-9111

Michael Thaler
Program Manager

1862 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
 (404) 557-4177
 (770) 334-5431

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Afterschool Web Resources

Academy for Educational Development (AED)

AED’s website shares practices that are working in after-school programs. The website contains practices from programs around the country, and also enables users to talk with other after-school staff and share their own practices.

Afterschool Alliance

The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of afterschool programs and advocating for quality, affordable programs for all children. It is supported by a group of public, private, and nonprofit organizations that share the Alliance's vision of ensuring that all children have access to afterschool programs by 2010.

C. S. Mott Foundation

The C.S. Mott Foundation is a partner of the U.S. Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative. The foundation is a private philanthropy that awards grants, in four program areas, in the United States and selected regions internationally. Specific Resources:

  • Learning Together: The Developing Field of School-Community Issues, a report chronicling the ideas, approaches, and strategies employed by 20 school community initiatives across the United States.
  • Making After-School Count (numerous volumes): a publication on issues of after-school care.
  • Philosophy, Programs, and Procedures: Pathways Out of Poverty provides guidelines and application procedures for the Pathways Out of Poverty program that provides funding for improved education.

Connect for Kids

Connect for Kids helps adults make their communities better places for families and children. An alternative news source on the Web, Connect for Kids provides solutions-oriented coverage of critical issues for children and families

Educational Technology Centers (ETC)

ETC's mission is to provide high quality, low cost, convenient access to educational technology training for educators serving, or preparing for service, in Georgia's Pre-K through Postsecondary (P-16) schools. InTech training is available to all Georgia educators at each of the regional ETC's, which are located within a 50-mile radius of all Georgia schools.

ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education

The Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting (CEEP) provides publications and information to the worldwide early childhood and parenting communities.

Family Connection Partnership (FCP)

As a nonprofit intermediary organization, FCP works closely with community, state, and national partners to:
1) Provide training and technical assistance customized to meet our communities' common and unique needs and support efforts in making better decisions locally.
2) Build and maintain relationships with public and private agencies and communities to share and combine resources, promote public policy, and improve services and supports for families.
3) Enhance public awareness, understanding, communication, and commitment to improve results for children and families.
4) Promote "what works" using research and evaluation practices that have proven to be effective in communities, while showcasing community successes.

Family Education Network (FEN)

FEN provides free local school connections for teachers and parents both e-mail and Web pages. FEN also links to a variety of resources for adults who work with students.

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE)

FREE offers resources for teaching and learning from 30 federal agencies with search tools and a bulletin board for teachers and federal agencies to communicate about potential collaboration on new teaching and learning resources.

Finance Project

This site is part of a series of technical assistance resources on financing and sustaining out-of-school time and community school initiatives developed by The Finance Project, with support from the DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund. Specific Resources:

  • The Child Care Partnership Project is an initiative to develop and disseminate technical assistance materials on public-private partnerships for childcare, as well as to provide direct assistance to the state child-care administrators on how to create and sustain effective partnerships.
  • Out-of-School-Time Project provides technical assistance on financing and sustainability of after-school programs.
  • Starting Points is an initiative to provide and develop a series of publications and technical assistance materials designed to promote young children’s readiness for school.
  • Using Title I to Support Out-of-School Time and Community Initiatives (January 2002, Vol. 2. No. 4): a strategy brief about using Title I funds.


    Finance Project- Out-of-School-Time Project

    Out-of-School-Time Project provides technical assistance on financing and sustainability of after-school programs.

    Finance Project- Sustainability Planning

    To successfully develop plans for continuing and expanding programs community leaders and program developers need to engage in a thoughtful and coordinated sustainability planning process.

    Gateway to Educational Materials

    This is a consortium effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites.

    General Services Administration

    A website for parents, teachers, after-school providers, and children to learn about after-school resources from many different government and non-profit agencies. Specific Resources:

  • Bringing Education to After-school Programs
  • After-school Action Kit


    Georgia Partnership for After School Education (PASE)

    Georgia PASE is a network of professionals in youth development, community members and organizations, and funding providers committed to quality education in after school settings. PASE promotes effective educational practices through program and staff development, resource sharing, networking, advocacy, research, assessment and evaluation, and collaboration among CBOs, families, and educational institutions. PASE exists ultimately to assist our children, youth and families in identifying and reaching their full potential. PASE’s goals include: 1) Strengthening the identity and visibility of the after school field 2) Articulating a philosophical and conceptual base 3) Building the capacity of after school organizations, and 4) Advocating for increased resources and support for after school education.

    Georgia School Age Care Association (GSACA)

    GSACA is a member based, statewide, professional organization for those who work with school-age kids in after school programs, before school programs, or during the summer. GSACA trainers provide training, technical assistance and consultation to providers.

    Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP)

    HFRP’s Out-of-School Time (OST) Program Evaluation Database is a compilation of profiles written by HFRP of evaluations of OST programs and initiatives. It provides accessible information about evaluation work of both large and small OST programs to support the development of high quality evaluations and programs in the out-of-school time field.

    National Center for Community Education (NCCE)

    NCCE provides training and technical assistance focusing on communities and education. The Center has provided training for 21st Century Community Learning Center Grantees and the Center’s website has on-line training in evaluation and management for after-school programs.

    National Community Education Association (NCEA)

    NCEA's mission is to provide leadership to those who build learning communities in response to individual and community needs. It does this by providing its members with national and regional training conferences and workshops; specialized periodicals, publications, and products; opportunities for peer support and networking; and information and referral services. In addition it acts as an advocate for community education by working with related organizations and promoting at the national, state, and local levels: parent and community involvement in public education; the formation of community partnerships to address community needs; and the expansion of lifelong learning opportunities for all community residents.

    National Institute for Out-of-School Time (NIOST)

    Located at the Center for Research on Women at Wellesley College, NIOST studies issues and policy regarding children’s out-of-school time. Their website contains research and publications about quality management and curriculum for after-school programs. Specific Resources:

  • After-School Issues are a series of publications produced by NIOST on core after-school issues of interest including emerging roles in the field, focus on staffing, and focus on accountability.
  • Literacy: Exploring Strategies to Enhance Learning in Out-of-School Time (1999) Explores, through research, different ways that after-school programs can support children’s literacy development.
  • Making an Impact on Out-of-School Time is a new publication giving a comprehensive investigation to after-school care.


    National Network for Child Care (NNCC) - Childcare Information for Georgia

    NNCC’s website houses a database of publications and a listserv supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Cooperative Extension Service. This page lists resources for child care information for Georgia categorized under topics such as: statistics, licensing, and program resources.

    National Network for Child Care (NNCC) – Connections Newsletter

    NNCC’s website houses a database of publications and a listserv supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Cooperative Extension Service. This page gives information about the Connections Newsletter.

    National School Age Child Care Alliance, now called National Afterschool Association (NSACA, NASA)

    NASA, formerly the National School-Age Child Care Alliance, was founded in 1987. NASA is a professional association with a membership component-our membership includes more than 7,000 practitioners, policy makers, and administrators representing all public, private, and community-based sectors of after-school and out-of-school time programs, as well as school-age and after-school programs on military bases, both domestic and international. As the leading voice of the after-school profession, we are dedicated to the development, education, and care of children and youth during their out-of-school hours.

    North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL)

    Internet resources and examples of after-school programs compiled by one of the U.S. Department of Education-funded regional education laboratories. Specific Resources:

  • Beyond the Bell: A Toolkit for Creating Effective After-School Programs provides guidance on critical issues such as management, collaboration, programming, evaluation, and communication.
  • Strengthening Connections: a study by NCREL involving multiple facets of after-school care.


    Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL)

    SEDL and its seven partners in the National Partnership for Quality Afterschool Learning collaborate and work with other afterschool experts to provide models, tools, and assistance that afterschool programs need to offer high quality, research based academic content while attracting high levels of student participation.

    U.S. Department of Agriculture – School Meals

    The Child Nutrition program of the Food and Nutrition Service provides information on the after-school snack program, including eligibility and reimbursement.

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

    The section on Family and Children Programs offers useful resources on health and safety.

    U.S. Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)

    The program provides expanded academic enrichment opportunities for children attending low performing schools. Tutorial services and academic enrichment activities are designed to help students meet local and state academic standards in subjects such as reading and math. The 21st CCLC programs provide youth development activities, drug and violence prevention programs, technology education programs, art, music and recreation programs, counseling and character education to enhance the academic component of the program. In addition, the program offers families of 21st CCLC students opportunities for literacy and related educational development. Specific Resources:

    • Providing Quality After-school Learning Opportunities for America’s Families is a publication on aspects of the 21st CCLC and a description of the initial challenges and successes of the program.
    • Bringing Education to After-school Programs: helps after-school providers understand how to integrate academic content (e.g., reading and mathematics) into their programs to enhance children’s learning.
    • Information for Parents and Families: the Department of Education provides resources, ideas, funding, and conferences relevant to family and community involvement in education, including after-school programs, and other resources.
    • Keeping Schools Open as Community Learning Centers: Extended Learning in a Safe, Drug-Free Environment Before and After-school is designed to help schools and community-based organizations begin their process of keeping neighborhood schools open for children and families.
    • Safe and Smart: Making After-School Hours Work for Kids highlights research evidence on the potential of after-school programs to increase the safety of children, reduce their risk-taking, and improve learning.
    • When Schools Stay Open Late: The National Evaluation of the 21st-Century Community Learning Centers Program presents the first-year findings of a large and rigorous examination of school-based after-school programs.