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Providing technology services that support education in Georgia.

Missy Smith
Program Manager, Statewide Training
1954 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334

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Roles and Responsibilities of the Team

The establishment and maintenance of a school’s cybersafety program is dependent upon a team effort. The cybersafety administrator leads a small team of relevant staff members that should (where possible) include the technology specialist, a guidance representative, (Guidance Counselor/Teacher, Social Worker), the special needs coordinator, and the library/media specialist. The team regularly reports to the school’s principal.

Roles and responsibilities of the cybersafety team

  1. The Cybersafety Team
  2. The Principal
  3. The cybersafety administrator (a senior manager who leads the team)
  4. The Technology Specialist
  5. The Guidance Representative (Guidance Counselor/Teacher, Social Worker)
  6. Library/Media Specialist
  7. The Special Needs Coordinator
  8. School Resource Officer
  9. Teacher
It is always possible to set up a team, even in a small two-teacher school where, for example, a school trustee could assist. To have one person carry the responsibility for the cybersafety of the school is neither safe for the school nor that person.

Any staff member with an interest in this area can join the team. The knowledge and relevant perspective of each team member will contribute to the depth and breadth of the cybersafety program.